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Tamil Nadu Commission for Protection of Child Rights Rules, 2012

4. Powers and duties of the Secretary.-

The Secretary shall, -

(i) have power to execute all decisions taken by the Commission in order to carry out the powers and functions of the Commission as provided in the Act and he shall be responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the Commission and its day-to-day management and shall exercise and discharge such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the State Government;

(ii) convene the meetings of the Commission in consultation with its Chairperson and serve notices of the meetings to all concerned;

(iii) take steps to ensure that the quorum required for convening a meeting of the Commission is secured;

(iv) prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Commission and self contained notes in consultation with the Chairperson;

(v) make available specific records covering the agenda items to the Commission for reference;

(vi) ensure that the agenda papers are circulated to the Members at least two clear working days in advance of the meeting, except in cases when urgent attention is required;

(vii) prepare the minutes of the meetings of the Commission and shall execute the decisions of the Commission taken in the meeting and shall also ensure placing of the Action Taken Note of the decisions of the Commission before the Commission in its subsequent meetings;

(viii) ensure that the procedure of the Commission is followed by it in transaction of its business;

(ix) take up all such matters with the Department of Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme of State Government, for release of grants, creation of posts, revision of scales, procurement of vehicles, appointment of staff, laying of annual and audit report in the State Legislature, re-appropriation of funds, residential accommodation, permitting any officer of the Commission for deputation and any other matter requiring the approval of the State Government;

(x) exercise such financial powers as are delegated to him by the State Government;

(xi) be the appointing and disciplinary authority in respect of officers and employees of the Commission.

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