Odisha Municipal Services (General) Rules, 2016
15. Appointment by Promotion.-
(1) The promotion to different Odisha Municipal Services at Group-A, Group-B and Group-C levels shall commence only after giving an option to the existing employees of the Corporation Service, LFS, Other than LFS to join the Municipal Cadre at the appropriate level, subject to the condition that they have requisite minimum qualification and experience, if any, as required and being found suitable by the Government:
Provided that in case a higher qualification of a base level post held by a person, is prescribed in the respective recruitment rules it shall not affect the person holding the post before commencement of these rules.
(2) All promotions shall be on the basis of merit-cum-suitability in all respect with due regard to seniority and subject to the following conditions, namely:-
(a) Reservation in promotion for persons belonging to various categories as provided by the Government;
(b) Having the minimum qualification and experience as prescribed in respective recruitment rules;
(c) Having completed the ad hoc period, if any, and the probation period satisfactorily;
(d) Appointments by promotions may be made on ad hoc basis for a period of one year, which may for reasons to be recorded in writing, be extended by the Appointing Authority for a further period not exceeding one year;
(e) At the end of the term of such ad hoc appointment or the extended period of ad hoc appointment, as the case may be, the Appointing Authority shall consider the suitability of the person so promoted to hold the post to which he was promoted;
(f) Where the Appointing Authority considers that the work of the person so promoted during the period of such ad hoc appointment is satisfactory it shall, as soon as possible, issue an order declaring the person to have satisfactorily completed the period of officiating, and such an order, shall have effect from the date of expiry of the period of ad hoc appointment;
(g) If at the end of the term of ad hoc appointment the Appointing Authority considers that the person is not suitable for the post to which he is promoted it shall, by order, revert the person to the post which he held prior to his promotion;
(h) A person shall not be considered to have satisfactorily completed the period of ad hoc appointment unless a specific order to that effect is passed:
Provided that if order under clause (g) is not passed or the period of officiating is not extended under clause (d) within three months or expiry of the period of ad hoc appointment he shall be deemed to have satisfactorily completed the period of officiating;
(i) A person who have been declared to have satisfactorily completed his period of ad hoc appointment under clause (d) or deemed to have satisfactorily completed the period of such appointment under clause (h), shall be continued as a full member of the service and confirmed in the group or category for which he was promoted at the earliest opportunity in any substantive vacancy which may exist or arise in the permanent cadre of such Group or category:
Provided that where the appointment is made by promotion to a temporary post in any service, the person shall be continued on ad hoc basis in the temporary post in any service subject to the period prescribed under clause (d) and in case of further requirement the Appointing Authority may consider and extend the period on the same terms and condition;
(j) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule no case shall be considered for promotion unless the Committee constituted under rule16 recommends and on such recommendation regular promotion may be made, after such recommendation is approved by the Competent Authority under rule 17; and
(k) Wherein promotion is made from heterogeneous posts, it is necessary to prepare a combined gradation list for the purpose of consideration by the committee on the basis of date of appointment in the feeder grade post.