Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989
SCHEDULE: Categories of Hazardous Wastes
[Rules 3( i ), 3(n) and 4]
Waste categories | Types of Wastes | Regulatory quantities |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
Waste Category No. 1 | Cyanide wastes | 1 kilogram me per year calculated as cyanide. |
Waste category No. 2 | Metal finishing wastes | 10 kilogrammes per year the sum of the specified substance calculated as pure metal. |
Waste Category No. 3 | Waste containing water soluble chemical compounds of lead, copper, Zinc, Chromium, nickel, selenium, Barium and antimony | 10 kilogrammes per year the sum of the specified substance calculated as pure metal. |
Waste Category No. 4 | Mercury, arsenic, thallium and cadmium bearing wastes | 5 kilogrammes per year the sum of the specified substance calculated as pure metal. |
Waste Category No. 5 | Non-halogenated hydrocarbons including solvents | 200 kilogrammes per year calculated as non-halogenated hydrocarbons. |
Waste Category No. 6 | Halogenated hydrocarbons including solvents | 50 kilogrammes per year calculated as halogenated hydrocarbons. |
Waste Category No. 7 | Wastes from paints, pigments glue, varnish and printing ink | 250 kilogrammes per year calculated as oil or oil emulsions. |
Waste Category No. 8 | Wastes from dyes and dye intermediates containing inorganic chemical compounds | 200 kilogrammes per year calculated as inorganic chemicals. |
Waste category No. 9 | Wastes from dyes and dye intermediates containing organic chemical compounds | 50 kilogrammes per year calculated as organic chemicals. |
Waste category No. 10 | Waste oil and oil emulsions | 1000 kilogrammes per year calculated as oil and oil emulsions. |
Waste category No. 11 | Tarry wastes from refining and tar residues from distillation or pyrolytic treatment | 200 kilogrammes per year calculated as tar. |
Waste category No. 12 | Sludges arising from treatment of waste waters containing heavy metals, toxic organics, oils, emulsions and spent chemicals and incineration ash | Irrespective of any quantity. |
Waste Category No. 13 | Phenols | 5 kilogrammes per year calculated as phenols. |
Waste category No. 14 | Asbestos | 200 kilogrammes per year calculated as asbestos. |
Waste Category No.15 | Wastes from manufacturing of pesticides and herbicides and residues from pesticides and herbicides formulation units | 5 kilogrammes per year calculated as pesticides and their intermediate products |
Waste category No. 16 | Acid/ alkaline/ slurry wastes | 700 kilogrammes per year calculated as acids/ alkalies . |
Waste category No. 17 | Off-specification and discarded products | Irrespective of any quantity. |
Waste category No. 18 | Discarded container and container liners of hazardous and toxic chemicals and wastes | Irrespective of any quantity. |
[Rules 3(b), 5(2), 5(3) and 5(6 )( ii)]
The Member-Secretary
.................. Pollution Control Board,
I/ we hereby apply for authorization/ renewal of authorization under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Hazardous Wastes( Management and Handling) Rules,1989,for collection/ reception/ treatment/ transport/ storage/ disposal of hazardous wastes.
For office use only
1. Code No.:
2. Whether the unit is situated in a critically polluted areas as identified by the Ministry of Environment and Forests:
To be filled by applicant
Part A-General
3. a ) Name of the owner occupier.
(b) Name and address of the unit and location of activity.
(c) Authorization required for (Please tick mark appropriate activity/activities):-
( i ) collection
(ii) reception
(iii) treatment
(iv) transport
(v) storage
(vi) disposal .
(b) In case of renewal of authorization, previous authorization number and date.
4. a ) Whether the unit is generating hazardous waste as defined in the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989,
(b) If so the category No.:
5. a ) Total capital invested on the project,
(b) Year of commencement of production,
(c) Whether the industry works general 1/2 shifts/ round the clock.
6. a ) List and quantum of products and bye-products,
(b) List and quantum of raw materials used.
7. Furnish a flow diagram of manufacturing process showing input and output in terms of products and waste generated including for captive power generation and dematerialized water:
Part B-Pertaining to sewage and trade effluent:
8. Quantity and source of water for:-
(a) Cooling m3/ d:
(b) Process m3/ d:
(c) Domestic use m3/ d:
(d) Other m3/ d:
9. Sewage and trade effluent discharge:-
(a) Quantum of discharge m3/ d:
(b) Is there any effluent treatment plant:
(c) If yes, a brief description of unit operation with capacity:
(d) Characteristics of final effluent pH:
Suspended solids
Dissolved solids
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand BOD (3 days at 27o C)
Oil and grease
(Additional parameters as specified by the Pollution Control Board)
(e) Mode of disposal and final discharge point, map showing discharge point)
(f) Parameters and frequency of self-monitoring.
Part C- Pertaining to stack (chimney) and vent emissions:
10 .( a) Number of stacks and vents with height and dia (m).
(b) Quality and quantity of stack emission from each of the above stacks-particulate matter and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2).
(Additional parameters as specified by the Pollution Control Board concerned)
(c) A brief account of the air pollution control unit with the emissions.
(d) Parameters and frequency of self-monitoring.
Part D-Pertaining to hazardous wastes and hazardous chemicals:
1. Solid wastes:-
(a) Total quantum of generation:
(b) Quantum of hazardous waste generated and its nature, as defined under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Refer to the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989):
(c) Mode of storage within the plant, method of disposal, and any other information sought by the concerned Pollution Control Board:
12 .( a) Hazardous chemicals as defined under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Refer to the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989):
(b) Whether any isolated storage is involved if yes, attach details: Yes/ No
(c) Whether emergency plans are prepared for taking:
On-site measures Yes/ No
Off-site measures Yes/ No
Yours faithfully
Name and signature of the applicant]