A club is a voluntary association of
individuals for social purposes of recreation or for advancement of such
objects as donation, useful arts, politics, or protection and development of
their common interest, etc. It has a definite organisation which continues in consistence
for an undetermined time and is governed by certain rules, regulations, deed of
settlement or bye-laws to which the members conform.
Kinds of club
A club may be a members club or a proprietary
club. In the former case the properties of the club vest in the members, while
in the latter case an individual or a firm or a limited company owns the
property while the members are allowed to make use of that property on certain
terms. The members' club may be an unincorporated society or may be registered
under the Indian Companies Act, or Societies Registration Act. In a proprietary
club the owner or the owners, as the case may be, run it for the purposes of
gain, while in a members' club it is not so. Such. a club is not a partnership
nor even a quasi-partnership. It may be noted that under the Societies
Registration Act it is permissible for the registration of a club for the
purposes of promotion of science, literature, or the fine arts, for
instruction, the diffusion of political education, the foundation or
maintenance of libraries or reading rooms for the use of members or for
promotion of other allied objects; It is necessary in a society or club so
registered that the Memorandum of Association should contain the name of the
society, the objects of the society, the names, addresses and occupations of
the governor's council, directors, committee or other governing body to whom,
by the rules of the society. the management of its affairs is entrusted. A copy
of the rules and regulations of the society, certified to be a correct copy by
not less than three members of the government body has to be filed with the
Memorandum of Association with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies of the
State. The proceedings of such a society must conform to the provisions of the
Society Registration Act XXI of 1860. If the members' club is registered under
the Indian Companies Act. it must also conform to the provisions of that Act.
Some fundamental rules
In framing rule for an unincorporated members
club it must be borne in mind that unless the constitution of the club provides
for amendment of the rules when necessary no alteration of the rules thereafter
is possible, in such matters as subscription or other fundamental objects of
the company. For instance, If the rules do not provide for alteration in the
monthly or annual subscription. a resolution by the majority of the members of
a club enhancing the rates of such subscriptions is not operative on the
dissentient members of the club. The amended rules, however, operate even
against the old members if otherwise valid and not incompatible with the
fundamental objects of the club though passed at a subsequent time. It is usual
to provide for the admission of members, their resignation md re-admission.