Tax Deduction Account
Tax Deduction Account
Number (TAN) is a unique 10 digit alphanumeric code allotted by the Income Tax
Department to all those persons who are required to deduct tax at the source of
income. It is mandatory to quote TAN on all TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) returns
(including e-TDS return) or any TDS payment challan. In order to apply for a
TAN or to get a change/ correction carried out in an existing TAN record, you
are required to submit the requisite application form, which is available at
any of the Tax Information Network Facilitation Centres (TIN-FCs) managed by
the National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL).
Applicants can submit
a duly filled-in application to any of the TIN-FCs. The processing fee for both
the applications (new TAN and change request) is Rs.55/- each (inclusive of
service tax @ 10.20%). These applications are digitised by NSDL and forwarded
to the Income Tax Department. The Income Tax Department will issue the TAN
which will be intimated to NSDL online. On the basis of this, NSDL will issue
the TAN letter to the applicant.