Report No. 62
10.71. Second Schedule-regrading of items.-
We now come to a question of arrangement. There are 32 items mentioned in the Second Schedule. Reading of this list is a laborious process, and whenever one wishes to find out whether a particular employment is or is not included in the Schedule, one has to made through the entire Schedule without the aid of any headings.
While it is not intended that the Schedule should be made more general-that would only be at the sacrifice of precision-it is desirable that some device should be adopted to make reference to the Schedule more convenient then it is at present. With this end in view, we recommend that the items in the Schedule should be grouped under a few broad groups. If necessary, the group headings could be accompanied by a note to be inserted in the Schedule itself1, to the effect that the headings are inserted for the sake of convenience only.
1. For consideration by the draftsman.
10.72. There is scope for simplification in this respect, because, at present, there is repetition of the same field of employment in several items, though with a different requirement in each case. For example, (artificial) power or energy in general figures in item 1, and electrical energy in particular appears in items 19, 20, 21 and 31. Explosives appear in item 4, but alsq re-appear in items 15 and 16. Wild animals occur directly in items 22 and 24, and indirectly in item 32, which relates to employment in a circus.