Report No. 62
6.21. Recommendation.-
We therefore recommend the insertion of a new section on the subject. It will also be necessary to introduce a penalty clause for contravention of the new section. Necessary amendment can be introduced in the penal section1 which provides for a fine of Rs. 500" for contravention of certain sections of the Act. Consequently the provision in the rule-making section can be removed2. The new section requiring the display of abstracts of important provisions of the Act will be3 on the following lines4:
"17A. There shall be kept posted up at or near every place of work where workman are employed abstracts of sections 3 and 4-
(a) in the language of the State; and
(b) where the majority of the workman employed in that place do not understand the language of the State, also in the language of the majority of workmen."
1. Section 18A.
2. Section 32(2)(o).
3. Section 18A also to be amended.
4. Section 32(2) to be consequentially amended.