Report No. 62
Chapter 3A
Computation of Compensation
3A.1. Introductory.-
Certain matters concerning the method of calculating compensation-sections 5 to 7-will be dealt with in this Chapter. While the right to compensation and the amount of compensation have been dealt with in earlier sections (sections 3 and 4), certain matters of detail which are relevant to the method of calculation remain to be dealt with and they form the subject-matter of this Chapter. Since the amount of compensation depends on the amount of wages either directly1 or indirectly2-the definition of "wages" in section 5 is important enough. In case of temporary disablement, compensation is in the form of half-monthly payments,3 and sections 6 and 7 are relevant thereto. Compensation on death is to be distributed-section 8. Assignment is barred by section 9.
1. Sections 4(1)(a), 4(1)(b) and 4(1)(d).
2. Section 4(1)(c).
3. Section 4(1)(d).