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Report No. 198

(Q) 6. Whether protection under the Programme should also be extended to the family members, close relatives and friends of the threatened witness? If so, who should be included in the list of such persons?

It is often seen that apart from the witness, his family members, close relatives and even sometime friends, are also threatened by opposite party. Further, family members of witness are dependent upon him. Question arises that whether protection under the Witness Protection Programme should also be extended to the family members, close relatives and friends of the witness? And who should be included in the list of such persons?

Most of the respondents (38 out of 40) have supported the view that Protection under the Witness Protection Programme should be extended to family members, close relatives etc. Among these 38 responses, 8 are from the State Governments, 10 are from the Police Officers, 3 are from the Judges and 17 are others.

Only State Government of Delhi and one other respondent have opposed the view.

"In respect of question that who should be included in the list, there is no uniformity in the responses. Some have suggested that depending upon the facts of each case, such protection may be extended to family members, close relatives and friends. Some have opined that parents, siblings, sons and daughters, spouse may be included in the list.

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