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Report No. 198

(Q) 22. Against the order granting anonymity to a witness, should the law provide a right of appeal to the High Court fixing a time frame of one month from the date of service, for disposal of the appeal? This is regarding whether the law should provide a right of appeal to the High Court against the order of granting anonymity to a witness? Further whether there should be a time frame of one month for disposal of such appeal.

Majority of the respondents (28 in number) are in favour of providing such a right of appeal to the High Court with a time frame of one month for disposal of appeal. Among them 5 are State Governments, 8 are Police Officers, 2 are Judges and 13 are others. However, one High Court Judge and an advocate are of the view that instead of appeal there should be a right of revision.

14 respondents (5 State Governments, 3 Police Officers, 1 Judge and 5 others are not in favour of providing any right of appeal.

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