Report No. 117
II. Objectives
Training for the entrants and in-service training of officials for state and union services is now an accepted national priority. The need for such training for Judicial Officers has been nationally neglected so far, with the rather disastrous consequences to development and justice. Any investment made in the training of Judicial Officers is an investment in democracy and national development. The entrants to judicial services need foundational training in the administration of justice. They must be equipped with skills and competence in their daily tasks; they must, at the same time, stand informed by a wider perspective of national development (including science and technology policy planning); nation-building and national integration.
The in-service training will also be oriented to the development of the wider perspective, along with endowment in competence for justice-system management. The Academy will also design advanced seminars/colloquia for senior appellate justices. On many issues-especially the role of law in science and technology-advances symposia will be designed for senior appellate justices to impart to them necessary cognitive competence.