Report No. 64
6.13. Section 15(2)-Need for appointing women police officers.-
With reference to section 15(2), the Committee1 discussed the various procedural difficulties experienced by the concerned agencies in the implementation of the Act, and observed that the main difficulty in the enforcement of the Act had been lack of adequate co-operation from the public. The Act envisages an active participation of the people in tackling the problem of immoral traffic which unfortunately is not generally forthcoming. Owing to the stigma attached to the vice, decent people in the locality shirk their responsibility in bringing culprits to book.
The Committee further observed that even the essential requirement of women as witnesses as provided in section 15, could not be met adequately. The Committee therefore made the recommendation that the words "at least one of whom shall be a woman" should be deleted from section 15(2). We appreciate the practical difficulties experienced in this respect. But we think that the provision is sound and salutary and the difficulties experienced and in its implementation should be met by appointing more women special police officers. If that is done, there will be less reluctance on the part of women to witness the search. No change in the law is therefore recommended.
1. Report of the Committee on amendments to the Suppression etc. Act, para. 5.6, Recommendation No. 18.