Report No. 58
Earlier decisions
3.32. Some of the earlier decisions which take the same view are given in the footnote.1
1. (a) Narsingh v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1955) 1 SCR 238-Article 134(1)(c).
(b) Baladin v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1956 SC 181-Article 134(1)(c).
(c) Banarasi Prasad v. Keshi Krishan, 28 IA 11 (13, 18) (PC).
(d) Vaithianath Pillai v. King Emperor, 40 IA 193: LR 36 Mad 501: 14 Cr LJ 577 (PC).
(e) Haripada Dev v. State of West Bengal, 1956 SCR 639-Article 134(1)(c) and Article 136.
(f) Sidheshwar Ganguly v. State of West Bengal, 196) SCR 749 (754)-Articles 134 and 136.
(g) Khushal Rao v. State of Bombay, AIR 1968 SC 22-Articles 134 and 136.