Report No. 58
Increase in case-load to be anticipated
2.37. What should, however, receive attention is that appellate case load will, in future, increase and not decrease. This work-load may eventually pose a challenge. We have to visualise the financial and human needs of an appellate system competent to carry what has been described as the "burdens that will be thrust upon it in the coming generation of conflict and change."1
Effective response to this challenge demands initiative and planning by all concerned with the state of the appellate process,-a process which has been described as "inter-dependent phases of a single system performing a vital social task."2
1. Winslow Christian (Justice of the California Court of Appeals) Delay in Criminal Appeals, (1971), Stanford Law Review 676, 702.
2. Winslow Christian (Justice of the California Court of Appeals) Delay in Criminal Appeals, (1971), Stanford Law Review 676, 702.