Report No. 58
2.32. Having selected the problems, we gave some thought to these matters and issued a Questionnaire. The Commission had not then formed any conclusions (even provisional) on any of these issues. But these issues required serious consideration, and, in order that there may be a public debate on the subject, in which knowledgeable persons and bodies can participate, and in order to ensure that those participating in such debate make a useful contribution, the Commission considered it desirable to define the broad issues to be considered and to elicit opinion thereon.
2.33. It was with the above object in view that the Commission prepared a short Questionnaire. The Questionnaire was not to be taken as representing the views of the Commission, tentative or otherwise. As stated above, the object was to put the issues before the public, and to invite well-informed opinion thereon, thereby facilitating a dispassionate, careful and constructive consideration of the problem in all its aspects. The Commission is grateful to all those who co-operated with it by answering the Questionnaire and by participating in oral discussions.