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Report No. 58

No deduction to be made in allowing rail fare for purposes leave travel concession

10.42. We now come to our last recommendation relating to Supreme Court Judges. It pertains to the rule relating to travel concession, to which we have referred1- 6A of the Supreme Court Judges T.A. Rules, 1959, concerning travel by a Judge etc. to his permanent residence in his home State during his leave. The rule provides that for this purpose, rule 6 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959, read with the rules applicable in this behalf to a Member of the Indian Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the Government of India, shall be applicable. Under the rules applicable to the Indian Administrative Service, there is a deduction for rail fare while calculating the amount of the leave travel concession. This deduction, in our view, should not apply to Judges of the Supreme Court and the members of their family. Our sixth and last recommendation, therefore, is that rule 6A, referred to above (which was inserted in 1972), should be amended, so as to carry out the above object.

1. Para. 10.41, supra.

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