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Report No. 29


The Criminal Code of 1951 (Bulgaria), Chapter 4, deals with the crimes against the national economy. Important provisions are quoted below1:-

"Section 113.-An official who fails to apply sufficient care in the direction, management or protection of the property entrusted or the work assigned to him, which failure results in considerable damage, destruction or waste of property, or partial or total non-fulfilment of the economic assignments, or in any other considerable damage to the enterprise, shall be published by confinement up to five years or correctional labour. If the act has been committed intentionally but does not contain the elements of a grave crime, the punishment shall be confinement from three to ten years.

Section 117.-Whoever fails to carry out a lawful regulation concerning performance of work or delivery of products in connection with the economic plan or the economic undertakings of the government, shall be punished by confinement up to three years, or, in cases of minor importance, by correctional labour or fine up to 20,000 leva.

Section 119.-Whoever uses agricultural products received from the State for purposes other than those for which they have been issued shall be punished by confinement up to three months or fine up to 50,000 leva.

Section 121.-Whoever without proper authorization purchases with the intent to sell or resell agricultural products or other goods of mass consumption shall be punished by confinement up to five years or correctional labour".

1. See G & G Government Law in the Soviet Union etc., p.990.

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