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Report No. 29

Section 244

Money forging

(1) For the application of section 241 such alteration of money withdrawn from circulation, that it should have the appearance of money in circulation, shall be considered counterfeiting of money in circulation, application or removal of a mark serving to show that the money is only valid in a certain country shall be considered money forging, reduction for the precious metal content of money shall also be considered as forging.

(2) In applying sections 241 to 243 money shall mean metal or paper money and bank notes.

(3) Securities issued by the State and other bearer's securities-if in general circulation-shall be adjudged in the same way as paper money.

(4) Foreign money and securities shall be granted the same protection, as Hungarian money and securities.

Section 245

Stamp forging

(1) Whoever counterfeits or forges stamps with the aim of putting them into circulation or for use, or acquires stamps counterfeited or forged by another person, for the same purpose, shall be punished with loss of liberty not exceeding three years.

(2) The same punishment shall be inflicted on a person who puts into circulation or uses false, forged or already used stamps as genuine or unused ones.

(3) Punishment shall be loss of liberty ranging from six months to-five years if stamp forging was committed-

(a) in criminal partnership,

(b) in respect of a great quantity of stamps or stamps of great value.

(4) Punishment shall be loss of liberty not exceeding one year, if the quantity or value of the stamps utilized or put into circulation is not considerable.

Section 246

Stamp forging

(1) In applying section 245 the word stamps shall comprise:

(a) stamps intended for postal or financial use, which are in circulation, withdrawn from circulation, or not yet put into circulation,

(b) stamps in circulation, withdrawn from circulation, or not yet put into circulation, intended for use in any field of activity of the post, postal meter cancellation impressions, special and other overprints, international reply coupons, postal receipts, further any inscription of mark applied by the post in connection with postage,

(c) state administration prints under strict control, both with stamp impressions and without such impressions,

(d) official marks or seals, serving for taxation, to prove the nature and content of metal, acceptance, quality or quantity of material, or applied by a financial authority or organ,

(e) stamps and seals, used by the office of weights and measures for certifying, gauging, and examination of measuring devices and for marking the volume of barrels.

(2) In applying section 245 putting into circulation shall also mean putting into circulation for stamp collection, and forging shall mean any unauthorized alteration of stamps for collection.

(3) Foreign stamps shall be granted the same protection as Hungarian stamps.

Section 247

Crimes violating foreign exchange control

(1) Whoever infringes or evades a duty or prohibition defined in statutory provisions on foreign exchange control and in statutory provisions regulating possession and circulation of precious metals and objects made from precious metals, shall be punished with loss of liberty not exceeding three years.

(2) Punishment shall be loss of liberty ranging from six months to five years, if the crime was committed.

(a) professionally,

(b) by a recidivist,

(c) in connection with considerable value.

(3) Punishment shall be loss of liberty ranging from two years to eight years, if foreign exchange control interests were gravely prejudiced by the crime.

(4) In the case falling under paragraphs (2) and (3) confiscation of property and expulsion from certain parts of the country may also be applied as supplementary punishment.

(5) Whoever commits the crime by negligence in connection with considerable value shall be punished with a fine.

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