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Report No. 32

Appendix 8

Extract of Section 15, Bhopal and Vindhya Pradesh (Courts) Act, 1950 (Central Act 41 of 1950)

(Assented to on 10 May, 1950) (As adapted)

"15. Civil District and District Judges.-(1) For the purposes of this Chapter the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, divide Bhopal and Vindhya Pradesh into civil districts and may alter the limits or the number of such districts and may determine the headquarters of each such district.

(2) The State Government shall, after consultation with the High Court, appoint as many persons as it thinks necessary to be District Judges and shall post one such person to each district as District Judge of that district:

Provided that the same person may, if the State Government thinks fit, be appointed to be the District Judge of two or more districts.".

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