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Report No. 32

Appendix 5

Important Cases under Articles 233 to 237 of the Constitution

Supreme Court

Mohd. Ghouse v. Andhra State, 1957 SCR 414: AIR 1957 SC 246.

(Suspension of Subordinate Judge by the High Court-the matter need not be referred to the Tribunal constituted under Andhra Civil Service Rules, 1953).

Rameshwar v. State, (1961) 2 SCR 874: AIR 1961 SC 816.

[Article 233(2)-Eligibility of Advocate-Period of practice in Punjab High Court].

High Court v. Amal Kumar, AIR 1962 SC 1704 (1708)

(Article 235-Promotion from Munsif to Subordinate Judge).

Panduranagrao v. Andhra Pradesh, (1963) 1 SCR 707: AIR 1963 SC 268 (271).

(Validity of rules made under Article 234).

State of Mysore v. K.N. Chandrasekhara, AIR 1965 SC 532.

(Decided 31 July, 1964, on appeal from AIR 1963 Mys 292 and other decisions).

(Article 234 and Mysore Munsifs Recruitment Rules, 1958- High Court, while finding the list vitiated, directed inclusion of petitioners therein-Order was held by the Supreme Court not to be authorised by Article 226).

State of West Bengal v. Nripendra Nath Bagchi, (Decided on 10th September, 1965) (1966) 1 SCR 771 (786).

(Disciplinary powers over District Judges)

(Traces history of Articles 233 to 237 also)

(On appeal from Nripendra v. Chief Secretary, AIR 1961 Cal 1).

Chandra Mohan v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (decided on 8th August, 1966) AIR 1966 SC 1987 (1990, 1993)

(paragraphs 7 and 15) (December issue).

(On appeal from 1966 ALJ 599).

State of Assam v. Ranga Muhammad, (decided on 21st September, 1966).

Note reported in full. For summary, see (1967 Feb) SCJ, Notes of recent cases, page 14, and (1967 January) 69 Bom LR page 9, Note 6.

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