Report No. 275
List of Abbreviations
1. A.P. - Andhra Pradesh
2. AICC - All India Congress Committee
3. AIR - All India Reporter
4. All. - Allahabad
5. Anr. - Another
6. BCCI - Board of Control for Cricket in India
7. BJP - Bharatiya Janta Party
8. Bom. - Bombay
9. BSP - Bahujan Samaj Party
10. CAR - Civil Aviation Requirements
11. CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation
12. CIC - Central Information Commission
13. CIT - Commissioner of Income Tax
14. Coop. - Cooperative
15. CPI - Communist Party of India
16. CPI(M) - Communist Party of India (Marxist)
17. Ct. - Court
18. Del. - Delhi
19. DGCA - Directorate General Civil Aviation
20. Doc. - Document
21. ECHR - European Court of Human Rights
22. ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council
23. Edn. - Edition
24. Eur. - European
25. FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
26. FIFA - The Fédération Internationale de Football Association
27. FOI - Freedom of Information
28. GDP - Gross Domestic Product
29. HC - High Court
30. HL - House of Lords
31. HR - Human Rights
32. IBA - Indian Banking Association
33. Ibid - Ibidem (is used to refer to an authority in the footnote immediately preceding the current footnote and the same page/ place is being referred to.)
34. ICC - International Cricket Council
35. ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
36. Id. - Idem (is used if the authority is the same but the page or place of reference is different.)
37. IFC - Industrial Finance Corporation
38. IHRB - Institute for Human Rights and Business
39. IMF - International Monetary Fund
40. INC - Indian National Congress
41. INR - Indian Rupee
42. Jrnl. - Journal
43. Ker. - Kerela
44. L. Rev. - Law Review
45. LIC - Life Insurance Corporation
46. LJ - Law Journal
47. M.P. - Member of Parliament
48. Mad. - Madras
49. NCP - Nationalist Congress Party
50. NCRWC - National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution
51. NGO - Non-Government Organisation
52. NHRC - National Human Rights Commission
53. NSF - National Sports Federation
54. OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights
55. ONGC - Oil & Natural Gas Commission
56. Ors. - Others
57. P&H - Punjab and Haryana
58. PIO - Public Information Officer 59. PPP - Public-Private Partnership
60. PUCL - People's Union for Civil Liberties
61. QB - Queen's Bench
62. RTI - Right to Information
63. SBI - State Bank of India
64. SC - Supreme Court
65. SCC - Supreme Court cases
66. SDG - Sustainable Development Goal
67. Supra - used to refer to a prior footnote
68. UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
69. UK - United Kingdom
70. UN - United Nations
71. UNESCAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission in Asia and the Pacific
72. UNHRC - United Nations Human Rights Committee
73. UPA - United Progressive Alliance 74. v. - versus