Report No. 84
8.3. Effect of films and the real challenge.-
During the course of discussion with us, a lady Member of Parliament1 pointed out the pernicious influence of Indian films highlighting rape and its attendant violence. The real challenge, therefore, in dealing with the problems of rape and its horrors lies in rousing public consciousness against it, and in preventing the publication and exhibition in any form of that trash material, which only corrupts the minds of the youth and of the depraved. To this problem we commend Governments earnest and immediate attention.
1. Mrs. Sushila Adivarekar, M.P. (Rajya Sabha).
P.V. Dixit,
S.N. Shankar,
Gangeshwar Prasad,
P.M. Bakshi,
New Delhi,
Dated: 25th April, 1980.