Report No. 68
The Powers of Attorney Act, 1882 March, 1977
Chapter 1
Why the subject has been taken up
1.1. Revision of the Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882, has been taken up by the Law Commission as a part of its function of revising Central Acts of general application and importance. The law relating to powers of attorney touches on contracts and property. The Commission has already forwarded a number of Reports dealing with certain subjects forming part of the Law of Contract1, and also a few Reports dealing with branches of the Law of Property2 or touching thereon. It, therefore, appeared to be appropriate to take up this Act also. Another consideration which has weighed with the Commission in taking up the subject is the fact that the existing Act is expressed in language which is manifestly out of tune with modern legislative phraseology.
1. For example, the 7th Report (Partnership Act). the 8th Report (Sale of Goods Act), the 11th Report (Negotiable Instruments Act) and the 13th Report (Contract Act).
2. See the 6th and 30th Reports (Registration Act), the 17th Report (Trusts Act), and the 66th Report on the Married Women's Property Act, 1882.