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Report No. 55

26. Objections to interest on costs being disallowed.-

Another Member1 of the Lok Sabha expressed his disagreement with the amendment as to interest on costs:

"I have not found myself in full agreement with the abolition of interest on costs. My opinion is that in cases where the defendants have succeeded in protracting the proceedings and putting the decree-holder to heavy costs, there does not seem to be any justification for depriving the decree-holder of the interest on the costs. Probably, the Government had in view the case of professional money-lenders only and then in order to penalise them, and also to save the judgment-debtors, they have done so. It is not always that professional money-lenders get decrees against poor and indigent persons. There are other persons also who occasionally lend money and are harassed by debtors by protracting their proceedings by false and frivolous pleas. I feel that the Hon. Minister may think over this matter and, if possible, the law should be suitably amended."

1. Shri Mul Chand Dubey, Lok Sabha Debates, 14th November, 1956.

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