Report No. 241
7. Authority to prepare penal of medical experts for purpose f section 6:
(1) The Director General of health Services. Central Government and the Director of Medical Services. Central (or officer holding cquivalent post) in each State shall. Prepare a penal of medical experts for medicine.
(2) The penal referred to in sub-section (1) shall be experts in various branches of medicine, surgery and critical care medicine.
(3) The medical experts referred to in sub-section (1) shall be experts with not less than twenty years experience.
(4) While empaneling medical experts on the panels, the authorities mentioned in sub-section (1) shall keep in mind the reputation of the experts and shall exclude from the panel, experts against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending with the State Medical Council concerned or the Medical Council of India and those experts who have been found guilty of professional misconduct.
(5) The panels prepared under sub-section (1) shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Central Government or the Official Gazette of the State, as the case may be, and on the respective websites of the said authorities and the panels may be received and modified by the authorities specified in sub-section (1) from the time to time and such modification shall also be published in the Gazette as aforesaid, or on the websites, as the case may be.
(6) The relevant panel for selection of experts will be the panel for the State or Union Territory in which the medical treatment is being given or is proposed or is proposed to be withhold or withdrawn.