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Report No. 249

"Obsolete Laws: Warranting Immediate Repeal" (Second Interim Report) Table of Contents

"Obsolete Laws: Warranting Immediate Repeal" (Second Interim Report) Table of Contents
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter 2 Laws Recommended for Complete Repeal
1. Bengal Indigo Contracts Act, Act 10 of 1836
2. Madras Public Property (Malversation) Act, Act 36 of 1837
3. Madras Rent and Revenue Sales Act, Act 7 of 1839
4. Bengal Land Revenue Sales Act, Act 12 of 1841
5 Revenue, Bombay, Act 13 of 1842
6. Revenue Commissioners, Bombay, Act 17 of 1842
7. Sales of Land for Revenue Arrears, Act 1 of 1845
8. Boundary-marks, Bombay, Act 3 of 1846
9. Bengal Alluvion and Diluvion Act, Act 9 of 1847
10. Madras Revenue Commissioner Act, Act 10 of 1849
11. Calcutta Land Revenue Act, Act 23 of 1850
12. Improvement in Towns Act, Act 26 of 1850
13. Madras City Land Revenue Act, Act 12 of 1851
14. Bombay Rent-free Estates Act, Act 11 of 1852
15. Rent Recovery Act, Act 6 of 1853
16. Shore Nuisances (Bombay and Kolaba) Act, Act 11 of 1853
17. Police (Agra) Act, Act 16 of 1854
18. Bengal Embankment Act, Act 32 of 1855
19. Calcutta Land Revenue Act, Act 18 of 1856
20. Bengal Chaukidari Act, Act 20 of 1856
21. Tobacco Duty (Town of Bombay) Act, Act 4 of 1857
22. Madras Compulsory Labour Act, Act 1 of 1858
23. Bengal Ghatwali Lands Act, Act 5 of 1859
24. Bengal Rent Act, Act 10 of 1859
25. Bengal Land Revenue Sales Act, Act 11 of 1859
26. Madras District Police Act, Act 24 of 1859
27. Stage-Carriages Act, Act 16 of 1861
28. Excise (Spirits) Act, Act 16 of 1863
29. Partition of Revenue-paying Estates Act, Act 19 of 1863
30. Coroners Act, Act 4 of 1871
31. Bengal Sessions Courts Act, Act 19 of 1871
32. North-Western Provinces Village and Road Police Act, Act 16 of 1873
33. Indian Law Reports Act, Act 18 of 1875
34. Chota Nagpur Encumbered Estates Act, Act 6 of 1876
35. Bombay Municipal Debentures Act, Act 15 of 1876
36. Broach and Kaira Incumbered Estates Act, Act 14 of 1877
37. Hackney Carriage Act, Act 14 of 1879
38. Legal Practitioners' Act, Act 18 of 1879
39. Central Provinces Land Revenue Act, Act 18 of 1881
40. Madras Forest (Validation) Act, Act 21 of 1882
41. Bikrama Singh's Estates Act, Act 10 of 1883
42. Land Improvement Loans Act, Act 19 of 1883
43. Punjab District Boards Act, Act 20 of 1883
44. Punjab Tenancy Act, Act 16 of 1887
45. Punjab Land Revenue Act, Act 17 of 1887
46. Police Act, Act 3 of 1888
47. City of Bombay Municipal (Supplementary) Act, Act 12 of 1888
48. Excise (Malt Liquors) Act, Act 13 of 1890
49. Easements (Extending) Act, Act 8 of 1891
50. Murshidabad Act, Act 15 of 1891
51. Marriages Validation Act, Act 2 of 1892
52. Bengal Military Police Act, Act 5 of 1892
53. Government Management of Private Estates Act, Act 10 of 1892
54. Porahat Estate Act, Act 2 of 1893
55. Amending Act, Act 5 of 1897
56. Indian Short Titles Act, Act 14 of 1897
57. Lepers Act, Act 3 of 1898
58. Central Provinces Tenancy Act, Act 11 of 1898
59. Central Provinces Court of Wards Act, Act 24 of 1899
60. Amending Act, Act 11 of 1901
61 Indian Tramways Act, Act 4 of 1902
.62. Amending Act, Act 1 of 1903
63. Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act, Act 14 of 1908
64. Co-operative Societies Act, Act 2 of 1912
65. Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and Assam Laws Act, Act 7 of 1912
66. Delhi Laws Act, Act 13 of 1912
67. Local Authorities Loans Act, Act 9 of 1914
68. Delhi Laws Act, Act 7 of 1915
69. Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act, Act 37 of 1951
70. Railway Companies (Emergency Provisions) Act, Act 51 of 1951
71. Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Act, Act 16 of 1953
72. Lushai Hills District (Change of Name) Act, Act 18 of 1954
73. Absorbed Areas (Laws) Act, Act 20 of 1954
74. Shillong (Rifle Range Umlong) Cantonments Assimilation of Laws Act, Act 31 of 1954
75. Legislative Assembly of Nagaland (Change in Representation) Act, Act 61 of 1968
76. Levy Sugar Price Equalisation Fund Act, Act 31 of 1976
77. Indian Iron and Steel Company (Acquisition of Shares) Act, Act 89 of 1976
Chapter 3 Permanent Ordinances Recommended for Repeal
Permanent Ordinances Recommended for Repeal
1. War Injuries Ordinance, Ordinance 7 of 1941
2. Collective Fines Ordinance, Ordinance 20 of 1942
3. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Ordinance, Ordinance 41 of 1942
4. Public Health (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, Ordinance 21 of 1944
5. Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance, Ordinance 38 of 1944
6. Secunderabad Marriage Validating Ordinance, Ordinance 30 of 1945
7. War Gratuities (Income Tax Exemption) Ordinance, Ordinance 24 of 1945
8. Bank Notes (Declaration of Holdings) Ordinance, Ordinance 2 of 1946
9. Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance, Ordinance 6 of 1946
10. Termination of War (Definition) Ordinance, Ordinance 10 of 1946
11. Military Nursing Service Ordinance, Ordinance 30 of 1943
Chapter 4 State Reorganisation Laws Recommended for Partial Repeal
State Reorganisation Laws Recommended for Partial Repeal
1. Reorganisation of States/transfer of territories/alteration of boundaries
2. Establishment of High Courts (of concerned States)
3. Representation in the Council of States
4. Allocation of Seats in the House of People and Strength of Legislative Assembly
5. Authorisation of expenditure
6. Apportionment of assets and liabilities
7. Provisions as to certain State corporations/boards and provisions as to employees in State services
8. Adaptation of laws
9. Delimitation of constituencies

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