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Report No. 248

38. Live-stock Importation Act, Act 9 of 1898

Category: Public Health

Recommendation: Repeal with the introduction of new law

This Act was enacted to make provisions for the regulation of importation of live-stock which may be affected by infectious or contagious disorders. Since the provisions of the Act have not kept pace with modern developments, this Act was proposed to be repealed and replaced by the Agricultural Biosecurity Bill, 2013 (which lapsed in the Lok Sabha).

The Statement of Objects and Reasons of the 2013 Bill specifically mentions that this Act and the Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914 are 'age-old legislations' and 'inadequate or obsolete definitions in these Acts need to be updated'. However, this Act cannot simply be repealed without new provisions to replace the ones being repealed.


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