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Report No. 250

44. Goa, Daman and Diu (Absorbed Employees) Act, Act 50 of 1965

Category: Government Employees

Recommendation: Consider for repeal.

This Act was enacted to grant the Government power to frame rules of employment for those persons who were in the civil or administrative services under the Portuguese administration of Goa and Daman and Diu. 'Absorbed employee' was defined by the Act as a person who immediately before 20th December 1961 was holding an absorbed post and who on or after that date either served or has been serving in that or any other post in connection with the administration of the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu in any of the departments of the Central Government.

Since a considerable period of time has elapsed since 20th December 1961, the possibility of litigation pending under this Act is low. However, as a matter of abundant caution, the Central Government should consult the Government of the State of Goa to ascertain the status of the Act and the matters pending under it and then repeal the law, if necessary, with a savings clause.

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