Report No. 11
177. Sections 138-139.-
Sections 138-139 have been omitted by the Notaries Act (LIII of 1952).
178. In order to give a concrete shape to our proposals, we have, in Appendix I, put them into the form of draft sections of the Act. The Appendix is not, however, to be treated as a draft Bill.
As in our previous Reports, we have omitted all illustrations from the text.
Appendix II contains two comparative Tables: Table A shows the sections in the existing Act with the corresponding sections in Appendix I; while Table B shows the sections in Appendix I with the corresponding sections of our Act as well as of the Bills of Exchange Act and the Negotiable Instruments Law, respectively.
Appendix III contains the suggestions made by us regarding other Acts.
Appendix IV gives a list of commercial bodies and associations who were addressed individually for their suggestions and Appendix V specifies such of them as gave their views in writing.
M.C. Setalvad Chairman
M.C. Chagla, Member
K.N. Wanchoo, Member
P. Satyanarayana Rao, Member
N.C. Sen Gupta*, Member
V.K.T. Chari, Member
D. Narasa Raju, Member
S.M. Sikri, Member
G.S. Pathak, Member
G.N. Joshi, Member
N.A. Palkhivala. Member
*. Being unable to came to Delhi to sign the Report, these Members have authorised Chairman to sign the Report on their behalf.
K. Srinivasan, Durga Das Basu,
Joint Secretaries
New Delhi.
Dated: 26th September, 1958.