Report No. 228
Need for Legislation to Regulate Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinics as well as Rights and Obligations of Parties to a Surrogacy
Contents | |
I. | Introduction |
Introduction | |
Surrogacy - Meaning | |
India - a reproductive tourism destination | |
Legal and moral issues | |
Motherhood - an enigma | |
Indian Baby M case | |
Israeli gay couple's case | |
II. | The Draft Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill and Rules 2008 |
The Draft Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill and Rules 2008 | |
III. | Seminar on 'surrogacy - Bane or Boon' |
Seminar on 'surrogacy - Bane or Boon' | |
The points highlighted in the discussion at the Seminar included | |
The answers discussed at the Seminar were | |
IV. | Conclusion and Recommendation |
Conclusion and Recommendation |