Report No. 43
1.4. Scope of treason.-
The expression 'treason' in its narrow and restricted sense is generally applied to those very serious offences which directly and dangerously affect the security and integrity of the State. Thus, waging war against the State, adhering to its enemies, compassing the death of the Head of State and such other offences usually described as 'high treason' will come within this narrow sense. But the crime has also been treated in its widest aspect as including not only high treason but also other acts of disloyalty which have the effect of directly or indirectly endangering the security and integrity of the state.
We notice that while in Britain and U.S.A. treason is generally restricted to what may be conveniently described as high treason, in other foreign countries where codified penal law is in force, various other acts of disloyalty of lesser gravity have also been included under this class.