Report No. 43
10.11. Provisions to be included.-
As a result, the following provisions of a procedural or miscellaneous character will be included:-
(1) Cognizance of offences1, (requirement of sanction).
(2) Bar to taking cognizance after lapse of time2.
(3) Place of inquiry or trial3.
(4) Offences by companies4.
(5) Cognizability of offences and courts competent to try theme5.
(6) Repeal and savings6.
1. Para. 10.8(i), above.
2. Para. 10.7, above.
3. Para. 10.8(ii), above.
4. Para. 10.8(iii), above.
5. Para. 10.9, above.
6. Para. 10.10, above.