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Report No. 43

Chapter 9

The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1961

9.1. Introductory.-

The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1961, contains a few provisions relevant to national security. The object of the Act was thus described in the Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Bill1-

"Certain recent developments in the regions adjoining the borders of India and in other parts of the country likely to jeopardise the security of the country and its frontiers point to the necessity of placing curbs on such activities. The Criminal Law Amendment Bill, 1960, accordingly seeks to provide for punishment to persons who may question the territorial integrity or frontiers of India in a manner prejudicial to the safety and security of the country, and for other cognate matters."

The Act has not been frequently used-at least, there is a paucity of reported decisions on the Act2.

1. Gazette of India, (1960), Extra., Pt. II, section 2, p. 938.

2. See para. 9.4, below.

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