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Report No. 43

7.102. Suggestion to being civilians within the enactments relating to armed forces.-

In one suggestion forwarded to us1, the position with reference to the three Acts relating to armed forces has been referred to. It has been stated, that section 38 of the Navy Act provides that a person not subject to Naval law who is or who acts as a spy for the enemy is punishable under the Act with 'death.' (This provision could be applied to persons not otherwise subject to the Navy Act, only if they commit the offence of spying in respect of naval secrets or intelligence). It is stated, that if a similar offence is committed in regard to Army or Air Force secrets or intelligence, then civilian personnel could be tried only under the Official Secrets Act2.

1. F. 1.(1)/71-L.C., S. No. 2 (Suggestion forwarded by one Ministry).

2. The suggestion also discusses the position regarding members of the army and the air force. But that aspect is not of importance for the present purpose.

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