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Report No. 43

7.72. Section 6(1)(c)-to be shortened after addition of definition of "official document".-

Clause (c) of section 6(1) punishes a person who forges, alters or tampers with, any passport or naval, military etc., pass, permit, certificate etc., or other document of a similar character, as well as a person who knowingly uses or has in possession any forged etc., passport. The word "knowingly", which occurs in the latter part, does not occur in section 1(1)(c) of the English Act of 1920. The word was inserted in the Indian Act as a result of the amendment suggested by Shri K.S.L. Agnihotri1, which was accepted by Government.2

No change of substance is needed in clause (c). But we propose to add a definition of "official document" separately, and this enables the clause 05. be shortened.

1. Legislative Assembly Debates, Vol. III. No. 44, dated February 24, 1923.

2. Also see Council of States Debates, dated 8th March, 1923, Vol. III, No. 44.

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