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Report No. 187

Lethal Intravenous Injection: Sodium Thiopental is injected causing the convict to fall into deep sleep subsequently Pancuronium Bromide is injected to stop breathing, and finally potassium chloride is injecting to stop the heart. The whole process is completed in nine to fourteen minutes and the convict dies in a sleep without pain and there is no mutilation of body. 37 States in USA are using this method besides Guatemala. China is also experimenting with this method. Some States in USA give choice to the convict whether he should be executed by lethal injection or by shooting.

Note: To avoid this agony of guilt of killing a person two people use intravenous injection or electric button out of which one is dummy which is as secret. Similarly in USA fining squad consisting of five persons and only three have lives bullets and two have dummy bullets so that no one knows who is responsible for the death.

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