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Report No. 187

The Air Force Act, 1950

The Air Force Act, 1950 also provides for the awarding of the death sentence and its executions relating to some offences provided there under1 explained in detail.

1. Chapter VI of The Air Force Act, 1950 in Section 34 provides for the offences in relation to the enemy and punishable with death, Section 37 is on mutiny and provides for the infliction of death sentence in case the accused is convicted. Chapter VII provides for the various punishments and the competent courtmartials to pass it, section 73 provides for the punishments awardable by Court martial. Chapter XII provides for the Confirmation and Revision provisions. Chapter XIII provides for the Execution of Sentences, section 163 deals with the form of the sentence of Death.

The Death Sentence as provided under The Air Force Act, 1950 will be relevant for the purpose of studying the execution of the death penalty awarded according to the provisions of the Act. Section 34 of the Act provides for the various offences contemplated for which the death penalty can be awarded. It provides: as,

"shall, on the conviction by court-martial, be liable to suffer death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned".

This section empowers the court martial to award the death sentence for the offences mentioned in section 34 (a) to (o) of The Air Force Act, 1950. These punishments however are subject to provisions as enunciated in Chapter XII which 31contains procedure for the Confirmation and Revision provisions. The provision in Chapter XIII provide for the Execution of sentences.

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