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Report No. 187

"Paragraph 866 Description and testing of rope.- (1) A Manilla rope one inch in diameter shall be used for executions. At least two such ropes in serviceable condition shall be maintained at every jail where executions are liable to take place.

Not.- The rope should be 19 feet in length, well twisted, and fully stretched. It should be of equal thickness, capable of passing readily through the noose-ring and sufficiently strong to bear a strain of 280 lbs. with a 7 foot drop.

(2) The ropes shall be tested in the presence of Superintendent, at least a week before the date fixed for the execution and if they fail to pass the test, others shall be obtained at once and tested when received.

(3) Ropes that have been tested shall be locked up in a place of safety.

(4) On the evening before the execution is to take place, the gallows and rope should be examined to ascertain that they have received no injury since being tested.

Not.- The rope shall be tested by attaching to one end a sack of sand or clay equal to one and a half times the weight of the prisoner to be executed and dropping this weight the distance of the drop to be given to the prisoner.

The above provision provides for the testing of the rope to be used for the execution at two occasions firstly at least before a week form the date of the execution and secondly on the evening before such execution is to take place. It provides for the maintaining at least two Manilla ropes of one inch diameter in serviceable condition. The 27method for testing such rope is by attaching the sack of clay or sand to one end which is equivalent to one and half times of the weight of such prisoner. The length of the drop to be kept same as required for the condemned prisoner.

The actual execution process with such background of preparations etc. made has to be carried out in accordance with Paragraphs 868 to 873. It is briefly as follows:-

1. The officers required to be present at the execution are, The Superintendent and Medical officer of the jail and Magistrate of the District or a first class Magistrate deputed by him. (Paragraph 867)

2. The execution is to be carried out by the public executioner, whenever service of such executioner are available. If such services are not available then some trustworthy individual who is locally trained is to be assigned this job. The duty is entrusted to the Superintendent to satisfy himself that the person so assigned is competent to fulfils the job. (Paragraph 868)

3. Regulation of the drop: it is most important factor in deciding the regulation of the death sentence to be executed. The slightest error in deciding the length of the drop may lead to the lingering death of the condemned man. The drop is regulated according to the height, weight and physical condition of the prisoner. The Superintendent may also take the advice of the Medical Officer in this regard.

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