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Report No. 21

Marine Insurance

Marine Insurance
1. No Indian Statute on marine insurance
2. Need for legislation
3. Desirability of following the English Marine Insurance Act, 1906
4. Departure from English law
5. Definition of ship included
6. Insurable value of ships driven by power other than steam
7. Deviation for saving property
8,9. Abandonment-effect of subsequent acts at the insurer as change of circumstances
10. Sale of insured ship without repair-amount to be paid by insurer
11. Other points
12. Appendices
Index to Appendix I
Appendix I Proposals as shown in the form or a Draft Bill
The Marine Insurance Bill, 1961
Chapter I Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
2. Definitions
Chapter II Marine Insurance
3. Marine insurance defined
4. Mixed sea and land risks
5. Lawful marine adventure
6. Insurable interest defined
7. Interests which may, in particular, be insured
8. Quantum of insurable interest in certain cases
9. Avoidance of wagering contracts
10. When interest must attach
11. Right of mortgagee, consignee, etc. to insure on behalf of other persons interested
12. Reinsurance
13. Measure of insurable value
Chapter III Disclosures and Representations
14. Marine insurance to be a contract of utmost good faith
15. Disclosure by assured
16. Disclosure by agent effecting insurance
17. Representations pending negotiation of contract
18. When contract is deemed to be concluded
Chapter IV The Policy
19. Contract must be embodied in a policy
20. What policy must specify
21. Signature of insurer
22. Voyage and time policy
23. Designation of subject matter
24. Valued policy
25. Unvalued policy
26. Floating policy by ship or ships
27. Form of and construction of terms in policy
28. Premium to be arranged
29. Double insurance
Chapter V The Premium
30. When premium payable
31. Policy effected through broker
32. Effect of receipt on policy
Chapter VI Warranties
33. Nature of warranty
34. Express warranty
35. Warranty must be complied with
36. When breach of warranty excused
37. Warranty of neutrality
38. No implied warranty of nationality
39. Warranty of good safety
40. Warranty of seaworthiness of ship
41. No implied warranty that goods are seaworthy
42. Warranty of legality
Chapter VII The Voyage
43. Implied condition as to commencement of risk
44. Alteration of port of departure
45. Sailing for different destination
46. Change of voyage
47. Deviation
48. Several ports of discharge
49. Delay in voyage
50. Excuses for deviation or delay
51. Effect of transhipment, etc
Chapter VIII Assignment
52. Transfer of policy of marine insurance
53. Assured having no interest cannot assign
54. Assignment of rights under policy of marine insurance
55. Assignment of interest
56. Overriding effect of Chapter
Chapter IX Loss and Abandonment
57. Included and excluded losses
58. Partial and total loss
59. Actual total loss
60. Missing ship
61. Constructive total loss defined
62. Effect of constructive total loss
63. Notice of abandonment
64. Effect of abandonment
Chapter X Partial Losses (Including Salvage and General Average and Particular Charges)
65. Particular average loss
66. Salvage charge
67. General average loss
Chapter XI Measure of Indemnity
68. Extent of liability of the insurer for loss
69. Total loss
70. Partial loss of ship
71. Partial loss of freight
72. Partial loss of goods, merchandise, etc
73. Apportionment of valuation
74. General average contributions and salvage charges
75. Liabilities to third parties
76. General provisions as to measure of indemnity
77. Particular average warranties
78. Successive losses
79. Suing and labouring clause
Chapter XII Rights of Insurer on Payment
80. Right of subrogation
81. Right of contribution
82. Effect of under-insurance
Chapter XIII Return of Premium
83. Enforcement of return
84. Return by agreement
85. Return for failure of consideration
Chapter XIV Mutual Insurance
86. Modification of Act in case of mutual insurance
Chapter XV Miscellaneous
87. Ratification by assured
88. Implied obligations varied by agreement or usage
89. Reasonable time, etc., a question of fact
90. Slip as evidence
91. Savings
The Schedule
Form of Policy1
Rules for Construction of Policy
Appendix II Notes on Clauses
Existing law in India
Existing law in England
Clause 1
Clause 2
Clause 3
Clause 4
Clause 5
Clause 6
Clause 7(1 to 7)
Clause 8
Clause 9
Clause 10
Clause 11 and 12
Clause 13
Clause 14
Clause 15
Clause 16
Clause 17
Clause 18
Clause 19
Clause 20
Clause 21
Clause 22
Clause 23
Clause 24
Clause 25
Clause 26
Clause 27
Clause 28
Clause 29
Clause 30
Clause 31
Clause 32
Clause 33
Clause 34 and 35
Clause 36
Clause 37 and 38
Clause 39 and 40
Clauses 41 to 44
Clause 45
Clause 46
Clause 47
Clause 48
Clause 49
Clause 50
Clause 51
Clauses 52 and 53
Clause 54 to 56
Clause 57
Clause 58
Clause 59
Clause 60
Clause 61
Clause 62
Clause 63
Clause 64
Clause 65
Clause 66
Clause 67
Clause 68
Clause 69
Clause 70
Clause 71,72
Clause 73
Clause 74
Clause 75
Clause 76,77
Clause 78
Clause 79
Clause 80
Clause 81
Clause 82 to 84
Clause 85
Clause 86
Clause 87 to 91
The Schedule Rule 15 of the Rules of Construction
Appendix III Showing the Provision in The (English) Marine Insurance Act, 1906, and the Corresponding, if any, in Appendix 1
Appendix IV Suggestions in Respect of other Acts

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