Report No. 26
93. Discretionary powers and control thereof.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and to the directions of the court, the Official Assignee shall in the administration of the property of the insolvent and in the distribution thereof amongst his creditors, have regard to any resolution that may be passed by the creditors at a meeting.
(2) The Official Assignee may, from time to time, summon meetings of the creditors for the purpose of ascertaining their wishes, and it shall be his duty to summon meetings at such times as the creditors, by resolution at any meeting, or the court, may direct, or whenever requested in writing to do so by one-fourth in value of the creditors who have proved.
(3) The Official Assignee may apply to the court for directions in relation to any particular matter arising under the insolvency.
(4) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Official Assignee shall use his own discretion in the management of the estate and its distribution among the creditors.
[Cf. section 85, P.T.A.]