Report No. 110
7.5. Section 26-Collateral consanguinity.-
Section 26(1) defines "collateral consanguinity" as that which subsists between two persons who are descended from the same stock or ancestor, but neither of whom is descended in a direct line from the other.
Sub-section (2) of the section deals with the mode of commutation of degrees. The section needs no change.
7.6. Persons held for purpose of succession to be similarly related to deceased.-
Section 27 provides as follows:-
"27. For the purpose of succession, there is no distinction-
(a) between those who are related to a person deceased through his father, and those who are related to him through his mother; or
(b) between those who are related to a person deceased by the full blood, and those who are related to him by the half-blood; or
(c) between those who were actually born in the lifetime of a person deceased and those who at the time of his death were only conceived in the womb, but who have been subsequently born alive."
The section needs no change.