Report No. 38
123. Section 72-Authority for prosecutions section of Act.-
Section 72 runs as follows:-
"72. No Court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under any of the provisions of sections 51, 53, 54, clauses (a) and (b), 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 66 and 67 of this Act unless upon complaint made by order of, or under authority from, the Director General or a Postmaster-General.".
As a new section.1 has been proposed to penalise stealing a mail bag or postal article, we considered the question whether the new section should also be mentioned in section 72. After some discussion, we have come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to mention it in section 72, particularly because it embraces the stopping of a mail train also.
1. See section 56A (proposed).
124. We have received a suggestion1 to give the power under section 72 to Postmasters of District Headquarters and to Superintendents (in view of the opening of large number of Post Offices). We think, that this may lead to harassment or inequality in the actual administration of the law, and are not in favour of the suggested change.
1. S. No. 98(Government of a Union Territory).