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Report No. 38

114. Sections 49, 50, 51, 63 and 67.-

We have received a suggestion from the Government of a Union Territory1 to enhance the punishments for certain offences. The suggestion states, that during recent years, there have been many cases of (a) misappropriation of V.P.P. and insured articles, and (b) delivery of V.P.P., and insured articles and money orders to wrong persons and that the Post Office Act requires to be amended to ensure that these articles are delivered to the right person. It suggests enhanced punishment for the relevant offences.

We went through the penal provisions in the Post Office Act, from this point of view. We feel that, for acts of dishonesty and the like, sections 52 and 69 are enough. For negligence, section 49(d) already provides a fine up to fifty rupees. We also considered the question of increasing the amount of fine (in sections 49 to 51, 63 and 67). We, however, felt that, on the whole there is no need for a change in the law. Active enforcement of the existing provisions would be a better course. We are not, therefore, inclined to recommend any change in this respect.

1. S. No. 98 (Government of a Union Territory).

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