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Report No. 38

33. Disposal of articles opened under this Act.-

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, if any postal article opened or examined under this Act is found to be in fraud or violation, or to have been posted in fraud or violation, of this Act or of any enactment prohibiting or controlling the transfer of money or valuable securities by post, the Postmaster-General may direct that the postal article be forfeited; and any such article shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of in accordance with this direction.

(2) If any postal article opened under this Act is found to be fraud or violation, or to have been posted in fraud or violation, of the Customs Acts, it shall be handed over to the Customs Department to be dealt with in accordance with the Customs Act.

(3) Every postal article opened under this Act and found to contain any valuable or saleable enclosure shall together with its contents be safely kept pending its disposition under this section, and a list of any such postal articles together with a memorandum of the contents thereof shall be made and preserved.

[cf. 1928, No. 12, sections 39(1), 40, articles.]

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