Report No. 28
Appendix 2
Notes on Clauses
Clause 1
(Existing section 1)
The word "Indian" has been omitted, in conformity with recent legislative practice.
Clause 2
(Existing section 3)
No changes are proposed in existing section 3.
Clause 3
(Existing section 4)
Since a provision about administration of oaths by the presiding officer himself (except in certain cases) is proposed1, this section has been made subject to that provision.
In paragraph (b), the words "troops in the service of Government" have been replaced by the phraseology "armed forces of the Union", in accordance with modern usage.
The requirement that the oath, etc., administered by a Commanding Officer should be the same as that which a Justice of the Peace can administer, has been omitted.2
A provision regarding affidavit is added.3
A few other points have already been dealt with.4
1. See clause 6.
2. See the body of the Report, paras. 52-54.
3. See the body of the Report, para. 51.
4. See the body of the Report, para. 50.