Report No. 260
Chapter VII
Final Provisions
A. Article 19. Relationship with other Treaties.
(i) Analysis and comment:
7.1.1 Article 19.2 is drafted with a double negative ('nothing in this treaty...not contrary to', which suggests that a party is precluded from entering into international agreements contrary to this treaty. Such limitations on sovereign rights are contrary to international law.97 However, a redrafted provision without the double negative would only specify that a party can enter into international agreements. It is suggested that Article 19.2 be removed.
97 Article I of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States of 1933 provides that, "The State as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: [...] capacity to enter into relations with other States". (1934) 165 League of Nations Treaty Series, at 19.
7.1.2 The term 'inconsistency' is captured by the term 'question' that follows. Further, the word 'inconsistency' is followed by a comma and an 'or', before 'question', which may need to be corrected. Reference to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969 (VCLT) should also be removed, as India is not a party (see comment on Article 14.9).