Report No. 12
76. Municipal laws. -
For the purpose of sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 46 it is also necessary to have an analysis of the laws obtaining in the various States for recovery of arrears of municipal tax or local rates. An analysis of these Acts is also given below:-
1. Bombay District Municipal Act (III of 1901).
2. Bombay Municipal Corporation Act (III of 1888).
3. Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporations Act (LIX of 1949).
4. Bombay Municipal Boroughs Act (XVIII of 1925).
5. Madras City Municipal Act (IV of 1919).
6. Madras District Municipalities Act (V of 1920).
7. Bengal Municipal Act (XV of 1932).
8. Calcutta Municipal Act (XXXIII of 1951).
9. Punjab Municipal Act (III of 1911).
10. Orissa Municipal Act (XXIII of 1950).
11. Bihar and Orissa Municipal Act (VII of 1922).
12. Assam Municipal Act (I of 1923).
13. United Provinces Municipalities Act (II of 1916).
14. Central Provinces and Berar Municipalities Act (II of 1922).
15. City of Nagpur Corporation Act 1948 (II of 1950).
16. City of Jabbalpore Corporation Act 1948 (III of 1950).
17. Hyderabad Municipal Corporations Act (XXXVI of 1950).
18. Hyderabad Municipal and Town Committees Act (XXVII of 1951).
19. Bangalore City Municipal Corporation Act (LXIX of 1949).
20. Mysore City Municipalities Act (VII of 1933).
21. Mysore Town Municipalities Act (XXII of 1951).
22. Rajasthan Town Municipalities Act (XXIII of 1951).
23. Rewa State Municipalities Act, 1946.
24. United Provinces District Boards Act (X of 1922).
25. Bombay Local Boards. Act (VI of 1923).
26. Madras District Boards Act (XIV of 1920).
27. Rajasthan District Boards Act (II of 1954).
28. Mysore Village Panchayats and District Boards Act (IV of 1952).
29. Punjab District Boards Act (XX of 1883).