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Report No. 273

Chapter - VII


7.1 While deciding on as to what amounts to torture by a public servant, the Commission has suggested definition of 'torture' wide enough to include inflicting injury, either intentionally or involuntarily, or even an attempt to cause such an injury, which will include physical, mental or psychological injury. Based on the analysis of various aspects of torture, the Commission has prepared a draft Bill titled "The Prevention of Torture Bill, 2017", which is annexed to this Report. On the basis of the conclusions drawn from the foregoing chapters, the Commission makes the following recommendations:

(i) Ratification of Convention against Torture

7.2 In order to tide over the difficulties faced by the Country in getting criminals extradited, in the absence of an anti-torture law; and to secure an individual's right to life and liberty, the Commission recommends consideration of the Convention Against Torture for ratification and in the event, the Central Government decides to ratify the Convention, then the Bill placed at Annexure may be considered.

Implementation of United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment through Legislation Back

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