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Report No. 59

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and Special Marriage Act, 1954

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 - 1.2. The present inquiry-its genesis and scope
1.3. - 1.15. Significance of the Hindu Code
1.16. Revision of Laws is a continuous process
1.17. - 1.20. Our approach
1.21. Disputes concerning the family
Chapter 2 Proposals of Tile Ministry of Law
2.1. Introductory
2.2. Section 10
2.3. - 2.4. 2.3. Section 11
2.5. Proposal not accepted
2.6. Remedy available to third parties
2.7. Change not recommended
2.7A. Section 12(2)(b)(iii)
2.8. - 2.9. Section 13(i)(v)-Venereal disease
2.10. Recommendation
2.11. - 2.16. Section 13(1)(viii)-the proposal to add cruelty as a ground of divorce
2.17. Recommendation
2.18. Section 13(1A)
2.19. - 2.20. Section 13(2)-living apart-order of maintenance
2.21. Points to be considered
2.22. Nature of proceedings for maintenance
2.23. Situation one of cruelty
2.24. - 2.28. Question whether husband should be given the right
2.29. Recommendation
2.30. Section 14
2.31. Recommendation as to section 14
2.32. Section 15
2.33. Section 16-Legitimacy of children
2.34. - 2.35 Legal proceedings ought not to be necessary
2.36. - 2.37. Condition of bona fide belief-Second point Considered-Four views as to legitimacy
2.38. - 2.40. Section 2 Legitimacy Act, 1959
2.41. A point of drafting
2.42. English Act of 1969
2.43. Recommendation
2.44. - 244A. Section 23A (new), Relief to the Respondent on petition for divorce
2.45. Recommendation
2.46. Special Marriage Act-Amendments desired in the Ministry's proposals
Chapter 3 Conditions of Marriage under The Hindu Marriage Act
3.1. - 3.2. Introduction
3.3. - 3.4. Valid, void and voidable marriagesValid, void and voidable marriages
3.5. - 3.7. Section 5(M-Unsoundness of mind as a ground of nullity of marriage
3.8. Position in England at common law, and Legislation of 19th century
3.9. Position in England under Act of 1937 and subsequent Acts
3.10. Position at common law-two aspects
3.11. Position under Act of 1950, as amended in 1959
3.12. Current statutory provision
3.12A. Mental Health Act, 1959
3.13. Presumption of validity
3.14. - 3.17. Considerations relevan
3.18 and 3.19. Recommendation to amend section 5(ii), H.M.A.
3.20. Sections 5(iii) and 5(vi)-Minimum age and section 9(1)
3.21. - 3.22. Suggestion to give right to avoid the Marriage
3.23. Suggestion not accepted
Chapter 4 Restitution of Conjugal Rights under The Hindu Marriage Act
4.1. Introductory
4.2. Section 9-Restitution
4.3. - 4.8. Section 9(2) considered
4.9. Recommendation to delete section 9(2), H.M.A.
4.10. - 4.11. Section 9(1)-Burden of proof
4.12. Recommendation as to burden of proof under section 9(1)
Chapter 5 Judicial Separation under The Hindu Marriage Act
5.1. Introductory
5.2. Recommendation as to section 10(1), II.M.A.
Chapter 6 Nullity of Marriage under The Hindu Marriage Act
6.1. Introductory
6.1A. Section 11 and petition for nullity after death of spouse
6.2. Recommendation to amend section 11, H.M.A.
6.3. Section 12(1)(a)-Impotence as a ground of avoidance
6.4. Section 12(1)(b), H.M.A. and idiocy or lunacy
6.4A. Section 12(1)(c), H.M.A.
6.5. - 6.7. Section 12(1)(d), H.M.A. and premarital pregnancy
6.8. - 6.10. Section 12(1)(c), H.M.A.
6.10A. Section 12(1)(c)-'fraud'-suppressing previous marriage-effect
6.11. Need for clarification
6.12. - 6.14. Section 19, Divorce Act distinguished
6.15. English Law
6.16. Consent and essential ingredient
6.17. Effect of duress
6.18. Effect of fraud not relating to identity or ceremony
6.18A. Fraud as to ceremony
6.19. Proper approach
6.20. Recommendation to amend section 12(1)(c), H.M.A.
Chapter 7 Divorce under The Hindu Marriage Act
7.1. Introductory
7.2. Position before the Act
7.3. Legislation in Native States and in the provinces
7.4. Significance of Hindu Marriage Act
7.5. General approach
7.6. - 7.11. Section 13(1)(i)-living in adultery
7.12. Recommendation to amend section 13(1)(i), H.M.A.
7.13. Section 13(1)(iii) unsoundness of mind-Recommendation
7.14. - 7.15. Section 13 and the desertion as the ground of divorce
7.16. Recommendation
7.17. - 7.23. Section 13 and wilful refusal to consummate the marriage
7.24. - 7.25. Section 13A (New)
Chapter 8 Jurisdiction and Procedure Under
8.1. Introductory
8.2. - 8.8. Defects of the present section
8.9. Recommendation to amend section 19
8.10. Section 20(1)
8.11.- 8.12. Section 21A (New)
8.13. - 8.15. Section 21B (New)
8.16. Recommendation
8.16A. Section 21C (New Documentary evidence)
8.16B. Recommendation
8.17. - 8.18. Injunction to prevent removal of child
8.19. Suggestion not accepted
8.20. Section 22
8.21. Recommendation
8.21A. - 8.22. Section 23(1)(a)
8.23. Section 23(2)-Recommendation
8.24. Section 23(3) (New)
8.25. - 8.26. Section 25(1)
8.27. Recommendation to remove the condition regarding remarriage
8.28. - 8.32. Recommendation to add circumstances in section 25(1)
8.33. Recommendation regarding section 25(3)
8.34. Section 27A (New)-Property presented by parents of other party
8.35. Recommendation
8.36. - 8.37. Section 28
8.38. - 8.40. Analysis of orders
8.41. Recommendation
Chapter 9 Special Marriage Act
9.1. Introductory
9.2. Section 19, Special Marriage Act
9.3. Discussion in the Bill
9.4. No deterrent regards
9.5. Scheme proposed as regards section 19
9.7. - 9.8. Section 20, Special Marriage Act
9.9. Effect of conversion on proprietary rights
9.10. Recommendation
9.11. Special Marriage Act
9.12. Recommendation for inserting section 21A
9.13. Section 22, Special Marriage Act, (Restitution)
9.14. Section 24(1), Special Marriage Act
9.15. Section 27(1)(a), Special Marriage Act
9.16. Section 27(1)(b), S.M.A.
9.17. Section 27(1)(c)
9.18. Section 21(1)(d)
9.18A. Section 27(1)(e)
9.19. Section 27(1)(f)
9.20. Section 27(1)(g)
9.21. Section 27, Recommendation to and new ground
9.22. Section 27A (New)
9.23. Section 29
9.24. Section 30
9.25. Section 31(1)
9.26. Section 33
9.26A. Section 34(1)(b), S.M.A.
9.27. Section 34(2) and section 34(3)
9.28. Section 35
9.29. Section 37(3).
9.30. - 9.32. Section 39
9.33. Recommendation
9.34. Section 40A, Special Marriage Act (New)
9.35. Section 40B, Special Marriage Act (New)
9.36. Section 40C (Documentary evidence)
Chapter 10 Summary of Recommendations and Conclusions
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
Section 9(1), H.M.A.
Section 9(2), H.M.A.
Section 10(1).
Section 11, H.M.A.
Section 12(1)(a), H.M.A.
Section 12(1)(c), H.M.A.
Section 12(1)(d), H.M.A.
Section 12(2)(b)(iii), H.M.A.
Section 13(1)(i), H.M.A.
Section 13(1)(iii), H.M.A. (Unsoundness of mind as a ground of divorce).
Section 13(1)(v), H.M.A. (Venereal disease as a ground of divorce).
Section 13(1), H.M.A.
Section 13(1A), H.M.A.
Section 13(2), H.M.A.
Section 13A, H.M.A.
Section 14, H.M.A. (Bar against divorce within first three years of marriage)
Section 15, H.M.A. (Prohibition against re-marriage within one year)
Section 16, H.M.A. (Legitimacy of children)
Section 19, H.M.A.
Section 21A, H.M.A. (New)
Section 21A (New)
Section 21B, H.M.A. (New)
Section 21C, H.M.A. (New)
Suggestion as to power to issue injunction
Section 22, H.M.A.
Section 23(1)(a), H.M.A.
Section 23(1)(c), H.M.A.
Section 23(2), H.M.A.
Section 23(3), H.M.A. (New)
Section 23A, H.M.A. (New)
Section 25(1) and 25(3), H.M.A.
Section 25(3)
Section 27A, H.M.A. (New)
Section 28, H.M.A.
Section 28A, H.M.A.
Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 4(b), S.M.A.-Idiocy or lunacy
Section 19 to 21, S.M.A. and section 21A (New)
Section 22, S.M.A.
Section 24(1), S.M.A.
Section 26, S.M.A.
Section 27(1)(a), S.M.A. (adultery)
Section 27(1)(b), S.M.A. (Desertion)
Section 27(1)(c), S.M.A.
Section 27(1)(d), S.M.A.
Section 27(1)(e), S.M.A.
Section 27(1)(f), S.M.A.-Venereal Disease
Section 27(1)(g), S.M.A. (Leprosy)
Section 27, S.M.A. (New ground to be added)
Section 27A, S.M.A. (New)
Section 29, S.M.A. (Prohibition against divorce within 3 years)
Section 30, S.M.A.
Section 31, S.M.A.
Section 33, S.M.A. (Proceedings in camera)
Section 34(1)(b), S.M.A.
Section 34, S.M.A. (Reconciliation)
Section 35, S.M.A.
Section 37, S.M.A.-Section 37, Special Marriage Act should be revised on the lines of the amendments proposed in section 25, Hindu Marriage Act1
Section 40A, S.M.A. (New)
Section 40B, S.M.A. (New)
Section 40C, S.M.A. (New)
Appendix 1 Letter from The Minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs
Letter from The Minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs
Appendix 2 Bill Forwarded by The Ministry of Law
1. The Short title
2. Amendment of section 10 of Act 25 of 1955
3. Amendment of section 11
4. Amendment of section 12
5. Amendment of section 13
6. Amendment of section 14
7. - 8. Amendment of section 15
9. Insertion of new section 23A
10. Amendment of section 2 of Act 43 of 1954
11. Substitution of new section for section 26
11A. Amendment of section 27
12. Amendment of section 29
13. Amendment of section 30

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