Report No. 59
Section 40C, S.M.A. (New).- A new section as to documentary evidence should be inserted in the Special Marriage Act to the effect that admissibility of documents shall not be affected by absence of stamp or registration. This will be on the lines of the corresponding provision to be inserted in the Hindu Marriage Act1. We would like to place on record our warm appreciation of the valuable assistance we have received from Mr. Bakshi, Member-Secretary of the Commission in the preparation of this Report.
1. Para. 9.36.
P.B. Gajendragadkar, Chairman:
P.K. Tripathi, Member.
S.S. Dhavan, Member.
S.P. Sen-Varma, Member.
P.M. Bakshi, Member-Secretary.
New Delhi,
Dated: 6th March, 1974.